Studio 814 Visits Showroom

There's something special about seeing local businesses and talents being showcased on television. In a recent visit that has the DuBois community buzzing, Studio 814 filmed segments in the DuBois Granite & Quartz Showroom.

Studio 814, a popular local television program is known for featuring businesses, talents, and events that make our region unique. This time, they chose to shine a spotlight on DuBois Granite & Quartz. One of the most exciting aspects of having Morgan Koziar and the crew of Studio 814's visit was the opportunity to showcase the local craftsmanship of DuBois Granite & Quartz and our showroom. Our Director of Marketing Joanne showed off our interactive showroom and the benefits of baking on stone surfaces while demonstrating how to achieve the perfect pie crust. Studio 814's visit to DuBois Granite & Quartz was a win-win for both the business and the local community. It shed light on the exceptional craftsmanship and expertise that can be found in our area.

Set a reminder for November 14 to view the segment on WTAJ’s Studio 814 – check your local listing for air time!


DG&Q Pie Crust Recipe & Tips


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